Eliminates keyboard

Non-Computer Devices

Speech recognition technology is being implemented into many devices that do not have a keyboard or a keyboard that is too small to be used effectively for entering large amounts of text information. Continuous speech and voice commands can be used to provide input--eliminating the need for a physical keyboard or mouse. Some users with physical disabilities have been ineracting with computers without the use (or at least minimal use) of keyboards or mice. As the "need" for a keyboard and other physical imput devices dimishes, computing devices will become smaller.

Keyboard Vendors and Consultants

Keynomics (http://www.keynomics.com/)
A leading provider of workforce computer keyboarding and ergonomic training - yielding dramatic improvements in quality and productivity - for call centers, claims processors and workforce production personnel.

Situations That Require Use of a Keyboard

Some situations, by their nature, may require the use of a keyboard. For example, if typing a confidential memo in a room where others are near (or could hear you), then voice and speech recognition may be impractical from a loss of confidentiality. Taking notes in a classroom is another example of a location where a keyboard is more useful than voice and speech software. In a classroom setting, usually only one person is allowed to speak at one time so that others in the classroom can hear and benefit from the topic of discussion. Voice recognition software could create a disruptive learning environment.

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